Firepaw trudged back into his den. I'm sure other apprentices don't have to work this hard, he thought miserably. Dustpelt had made him clean out the elders den, taken him out on patrol, and after he was done with that, Cinderheart had come and asked him to help with some herbs. He sighed, exhausted and looked around, wondering where to make his nest.
"Firepaw!" Snowpaw was running towards him. "How was your day?"
"Tiring, you?" Firepaw greeted her. He blinked at her happily, with sudden energy. He felt happy, and proud now that he had completed his first day as an apprentice. Surprisingly, he saw relief tingle in his sister's eyes.
"I love finally being an apprentice! The only part I didn't like was finding out about the Riverclan patrol." Firepaw could make out suppressed excitement in her voice and eyes and could barely keep himself from bursting into laughter. "You're okay, aren't you?" she suddenly asked with quiet seriousness.
He knew what she was asking about. He had refused to be let off his punishment after only one moon. "Of course," he murmured, pressing his face into Snowpaw's flank affectionately.
Snowpaw licked his head quickly, then said, "Want to find our nests and claim it before Hollypaw can?" she asked mischievously.
Firepaw purred and rushed to a corner behind her. He scented the air and it told him that no other cat was sleeping there. There was enough room for Hollypaw too. Turning around himself a few times and settling down, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, Snowpaw's paw throbbed him in the side. "Can't a cat get some sleep?" he asked playfully with one eye open and looking at her.
"Don't you want to play?" she asked with fake hurt sounding through her voice.
Firepaw was about to say no thanks, but he changed his mind and pushed himself up to his paws. "Fine," he grunted, not wanting to bore Snowpaw.
"Let's find Smokepaw!" she suggested.
"Sure," he said light-heartedly before following her out. In the dark, moonlit clearing, peace surrounded the clan. Other than Lionblaze and Jayfeather, but every cat had grown used to that. The two cats seemed to be having a hissing and glaring contest, though with Jayfeather's sightless blue eyes, his glare was a bit glazed over. He watched as Jayfeather angrily stalked away and snatched up and vole from the top of the fresh-kill pile.
"Wait here," Snowpaw said, "I'll be right back." By the look on her face, Firepaw could tell she had been disconcerted by Lionblaze and Jayfeather.
Firepaw thought for a moment. When will Jayfeather get an apprentice? He had often heard that getting an apprentice is one of the best parts of being a clan cat. And Thunderclan should have an apprentice to take over in case anything happens to Jayfeather. If Thunderclan needed a medicine cat apprentice, and there wasn't one, Firepaw would be more than willing to become it. He padded over to Jayfeather.
"Jayfeather?" he asked, "can I talk to you?"
The tom looked surprised that he had gone to talk to him, but didn't object. "Of course," he grunted, then headed over to his den. Firepaw followed. Once Jayfeather had made himself comfortable in his nest, he turned to Firepaw. "Now what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I notice you don't have an apprentice and I've been wondering if you wanted one," Firepar said straight out.
Jayfeather looked shocked. "What is it with Lionblaze's kits wanting to be my apprentice?" he muttered under his breath.
Firepaw was astounded. "My sisters asked to be medicine cats too?"
"Just Hollyle- I mean Hollypaw," Jayfeather corrected himself, looking furious rather than embarrassed.
"Hollyleaf? Meaning your sister? The one who murdered a cat?" Firepaw dared to ask.
Jayfeather flinched at Firepaw's words. "She was a good cat," he said, stubbornly. Firepaw wondered why he would want to defend a cat who had murdered.
Firepaw decided to leave the subject. "So would you like an apprentice? Because I would rather be a warrior, but Thunderclan should have an apprentice you know, if something happens to you."
Jayfeather's eyes blazed for a moment, then cooled down. "Of course," he mewed thoughtfully. "Well I'll talk to Firestar about this. You should go. I'm sure Snowpaw will be waiting for you," he said absent-mindedly.
Snowpaw was just coming with Smokepaw next to her. Firepaw hurried out to greet them.
"Hey, Firepaw. "Enjoyed our first day as an apprentice?" Smokepaw asked.
He nodded his head vigorously. "It was tiring though," Firepaw pointed out.
Smokepaw purred. "Well, of course!" he said, flicking his tail at Firepaw's ear. Smokepaw had always been good friends with the three of them. The camp had suffered a breakout of blackcough, and Smokepaw was the only one of his littermates to survive. Thus all four denmates grew close to each other.
"Do you both want to play something?" Snowpaw asked. As Firepaw gazed at his sister, he was struck again by how beautiful she was. Her pelt was completely white, without a single flaw. She always groomed herself so well, it was a shock to see even the tiniest tuft of fur poking out. And her icy blue eyes were piercing, but sweet. Though he was sure she could make them look intimidating if she wanted. It was no wonder that Smokepaw was padding after her.
The gray tom looked around. "In this dark? The only thing I can think of doing is sneaking out of camp."
"Well, it isn't sneaking if we are allowed to, is it? Cats can leave camp anytime," Snowaw said.
Before Smokepaw could respond, Firepaw shook his head. "I won't leave camp unless I have to," he said, then looked down at his paws. After the last time he had ventured out of camp, he had vowed not to ever do it again.
He was aware of his sister pressing her flank against his pelt. "When will you let that go?" she murmured in his ear.
"Never," he whispered before whipping around and racing back into the apprentice den and sat in his nest. Why does everyone expect me to forget that? I almost got us killed, how can I forget such a thing? He closed his eyes as another cat came inside.
"Don't pretend you're asleep, because we both know you aren't," Hollypaw hissed. Firepaw lifted his head and blinked at her. "Don't look at me like that either. Why won't you let that go?"
Firepaw realized she must have been talking to Snowpaw and Smokepaw. "Why do you think? Would you forget it if you almost got us killed?" Firepaw countered.
Hollypaw blinked at him, shocked. "You didn't almost get us killed. We could easily have chosen to stay back at camp. And it was two moons ago! Will you ever become the fun loving cat we once knew?"
Firepaw didn't know how to respond. He looked down at the ground without anther word, and waited for Hollypaw to leave.
She whipped around, and darted out.That's when he heard a yowl and realized that RiverClan was attacking.
Made jewelry after a long time.
11 years ago
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